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Recent Changes!

You know! I had mentioned that I wanted to post one of these blogs once a week, but THINGS GOT CRAZY! Here is a quick update on how my life has changed and how it has drastically changed Accidental Films!


What's New?

Life has been a rollercoaster of emotions, fears, and excitement! I was working at a Pet Store, just to get by, when I started taking Accidental Films a bit more seriously. After a whole year of applying for jobs and hoping something would come along, I finally landed a job working with Island Media as a remote Video Editor! (

Having this chance to really step away from working a 9-5 job I desperately wanted to leave, I jumped for joy, but that's not even half of it! Putting my two weeks in, with a big smile on my face mind you, I started to get connected with my local church Freedom Life in Lewisburg, PA. With a search for a new job to fill the rest of the time; cause let's be real, remote work doesn't happen a whole lot; I have begun work on becoming a staff member, or a least a contractor for the church to help boost their media presence!

So What Does This Mean for Accidental Films?

I'm glad you asked, random voice in my head! Now that I am home, and doing very little I have time to work on my short films, I got three in the chamber already! I also have had the opportunity to do some work local, including the 4th of July Car Show in Watsontown! Honestly, I don't feel scared anymore about my income or making sure work comes in. I have the freedom and power to create dope projects and work with awesome people, and I am so happy, more than I've been in a while!

Alright, Enough Boasting!

But Seriously, I can not thank each and everyone of you for helping me reach this point in my life, I cant wait to see what great projects come my way, and see how Accidental Films continues to create on accident!

- Bailey Murray

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